Calibration failed! |
Appears when white calibration failed for the |
Please retry. |
first time. |
Calibration failed! Please clean white |
Appears when white calibration failed for the |
calibration tile or contact tech rep. |
second time. |
Green check failed! |
Appears when green check failed for the first |
Please retry. |
Time. |
Green check failed! Please clean green |
Appears when green check failed for the |
tile and retry. |
Second time. |
Green check failed! |
Appears when green check failed for the |
Please contact tech rep. |
third time. |
Measure failed! Please repeat... |
Battery too low. Instrument must be charged. |
Low battery |
Measure failed! Please repeat... |
Battery too low. Instrument must be charged. |
Pins not pressed |
Measure failed! Please repeat... |
Appears when sensor pins are not pressed |
General |
during a reading. |
White check invalid! Please perform |
Appears when doing a green check and the |
white check first. |
white calibration is expired. |
White calibration or green check invalid |
Appears when white calibration or green |
or expired! Please calibrate now! |
check are expired. |
Surface temperature too high! |
Sample surface temperature is too high. |
Instrument temperature too high |
Instrument temperature is higher than 40°C. |
Instrument temperature too low |
Instrument temperature is lower than 5°C. |
Ambient light |
Appears when ambient light enters the |
measurement aperture. |
Keep instrument stable |
Appears when instrument was moved during a |
reading. |
Test failed! |
Appears when one test of the complete diagnosis check failed. |
Diagnostic check failed! |
Appears when diagnosis check failed. |
Reset |
To perform a hardware reset, press the Operate button permanently for approx. 10 seconds.
The reset can be done at any time.